My work still raises the question of what spaces Black people can occupy in society. I learned that my family and ancestors have a connection to my work relating to energy. In the middle year of 2022, I displayed my Painting and a short film talking about my three inspirations, music, family, and sports. These are Miles Davis, Muhammad Ali, and my grandfather. Showing the spaces they had to occupy in a society where people projected prejudiced ideals onto those like me, as well as expressing my gratitude for the struggle they went through. Upon seeing the piece, my grandmother was very appreciative of the references to family archive photos I incorporated, but what caught my attention was when she said "You know your grandfather loved Miles Davis." Later that night, she introduced me to all of his Jazz recordings. The experience was like meeting a new part of my grandfather. First, it was Photography, and now Jazz, as months pass I would be reminded of a characteristic that my grandfather and I shared with my grandmother and other close friends of his. I’ve always felt the presence of my grandfather in my work but now I feel the energy he possessed lives through me as energy never dies it is forever transferred. That brings me to today, as I want my artwork along with my brand, “/JAT/co.” to inspire others to search for new things in life, whether it's in the arts or other fields. I want to impact as many lives as I can, just as my grandfather did in his life.
The work you see ranges from 1.5ft to 12ft
His Red Chair
70s Grandma
Leaders of Tomorrow
Home Spring
Spirit of Curiosity
After Image
Burned in copy